Types of Hunts we Offer

We offer 2 types of hunting experiences; Backpack and Horseback hunts. Each of these hunts gives us the ability to cater to a wide range of experiences, fitness levels and desires. Here is a brief overview of what each hunt entails, if you would like more info on a specific style of hunt please ask.

Backpack hunts

Backpack hunting can be the most challenging and the most rewarding style of hunts we offer. After grinding up a mountain accessed via foot from the trailhead, we spend time glassing up big country for the target species. Bighorn Sheep are easier to spot then Stone Sheep, however the terrain they live in provides many different places to hide can make them tough to spot or locate, our guides have excellent eye-sight and the experience to know where they’re at, it is just a matter of time and patience.

Heavy packs, steep terrain and long days behind the glass are all part of this style of hunt and while it can be difficult living out of a pack for 10 days, all of this is forgotten on the final stalk. Walking up to the animal, it is the culmination of this difficult grind that makes it a powerful and incredible experience that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. If you love a challenge and want to push your limits, to see what you are truly made of, then this is the hunt style for you!

Upon arrival at trailhead or camp your guide will assist you in preparing your pack and food to head into the field. Time will also be taken to check rifles or bow at one of our shooting ranges prior to leaving for your hunt.

You will be expected to carry your own pack with sleeping gear (tent, bag, air mattress etc), clothing, optics, personal items, weapon and ammunition, and food/water for the hunt. We have a detailed list of the equipment needed for these hunts available on our website and will be emailed upon request. Your pack should weigh around 55lbs and we encourage you to train hard prior to the hunt, especially hiking with the pack and boots you will be using.

The food on these hunts is as light weight and calorie dense as possible. Generally we provide oatmeal & freeze dried breakfasts, variety of bars, snacks and candy during the day. Freeze-dried food is the norm for dinners. If you have specific diet requirements or more info on what we provide please ask. If you would like to bring your own food, It’s no problem either, as it is becoming more common each year.

Mountain Backpack hunts are very challenging but rewarding and provide the optimal amount of hunting as you are hunting in the heart of where the animals live from the moment you step out of your tent to going to sleep. We are passionate about backpack hunting and feel we are leaders in the industry for this style of hunt. If you would like more info, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Horseback hunts

On our horseback hunts you will trail deep into the hunting concession. Our experienced guides and wranglers will meet you with horses and take you to one of our camps interspersed amongst the vast wilderness. It is truly a beautiful and wild country that hosts an abundant population of Sheep. Due to the thick vegetation that we need to travel through into these deep holes the horses are an effective way to access the far-reaches of their habitat and cover miles of country in a day if needed and save your legs for the moment of truth.

We have great horses that we use for riding and packing gear. We have guides and wranglers with the knowledge of the target species and how to use the horses very effectively to hunt them. Horseback hunting can be challenging and tiring, we aim to get out early into the field to hunt each day and often come back after dark. The horses are capable of covering a lot of ground and moving through thick and very difficult terrain which can be required to pursue or recover an animal. Horse riding experience is an advantage and recommended when booking this hunt to allow for the use of our horses to their full potential while not injuring them. Our guides & wranglers will show you proper riding techniques to ensure you have the best experience and the horses are taken care of.

During the hunt you may use a variety of camps or need to spike out with tents this can require time to pack gear & food and trail between these camps. While this takes up part of your hunting time our guides will choose to move to give you the best opportunity at the game you’re hunting. Having the ability to move locations during a hunt is a huge advantage to make sure you are able to get in on the action.

We aim to provide great food on our horseback hunts, breakfasts will be a variety of bacon & eggs, oatmeal and pancakes, lunches generally consist of snacks and sandwiches, and a good variety of hearty, tasty & filling dinners. Most of the camps consist of a cabin or wall tents with wood stoves that provide a rustic & cozy place to relax each night and dry out if need be. In some areas the team may decide to spike out or use less comfortable accommodation in pursuit of the target animal however they will talk with you before making a game plan.

Horseback hunting is exciting and challenging and we believe that you will have an unforgettable experience while getting to see what our hunting concession has to offer. Horse hunts are our most popular and effective for Moose & Caribou combo hunts or single species and promises to be an experience of a lifetime.