Trophy Selection

The continued success of our hunting Units relies on the North American hunting model of targeting mature and old male animals for harvest. Our company policy is to harvest only mature and old male animals of the target species to ensure we have continued success in the long term of harvesting great trophy animals year in and out. By letting younger and smaller animals walk, we give them the chance to grow and breed, as well as improving and maintaining herd health.

Targeting old animals provides space for healthy mature animals to breed and reduce conflicts during crucial time periods in the year. We want to make it clear to clients that we are offering trophy hunts and as such it does not become a “just to get an animal” the last few days. Our guides are aware of our guiding principles in regards to harvesting specific animals: 7 years or older for sheep with preference of 8+. We understand the reality of the cost and challenges of taking these mature bighorns so we want you to also be understanding that to continue having quality rams we wish to pass up younger rams.

If you have any issues with our policy please discuss this prior to booking a hunt so that we are all on the same page.
We don’t want you to be frustrated & upset during or after your hunt because of a lack of communication. This is a “Trophy” hunt and one you will be proud of the animal you take home. If you shoot you need to be happy!